World Rules

  1. 1) There is one God and it is the God of the Holy Bible.
  2. 2) Animals do not evolve but grow from one growth stage to another.
  3. 3) There is no evolution.
  4. 4) There is one sun and one moon for the Earth.
  5. 5) The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
  6. 6) There is a layer of ice in the Earth's atmosphere
  7. 7) Your actions have consequences.
  8. 8) *You will be killed if you do enough bad or neglect doing right often.
  9. 8) Everyone speaks the same language.
  10. 9) Your parents and siblings all believe in the true God.
  11. 10) *There are those who worship the Earth.
  12. 11) *There are those who worship apex creatures.
  13. 12) All animals except fish have a den where they sleep.
  14. 13) There is no money; people trade for food, animals, or foods.
  15. 14) There are no seasons because you live on the equator.
  16. The tallest animal is ten times taller than a six-foot tall human.
  17. You can't catch or battle an animal smaller than a Teacup Yorkie dog.
  18. Some water animals can breathe air.
  19. Land animals can't fight against water animals.
  20. Flying animals can fight against water animals.
  21. Animals that start off as quadrupeds do NOT become bipeds.
  22. Animals that start off as tadpoles or similar organisms can become bipeds or quadrupeds.

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